
charles and peterThe more you want, the more limits you create. You want something so much that you do not think about anything else, you’re not doing anything else, you become a slave of your desires. When you get older, when you’re more mature, you will begin to be aware of this fact and you start laughing at your present and past desires. You will see that they are as ephemeral as life itself. Then you will learn to get rid of them. You will learn to forget even about a dream most people share – a dream of longevity. Tiziano Terzani

I left the coast and, although still in California, I’m heading towards Nevada. It’s getting warmer, brighter and sunnier. In a week or so, I will start to miss the rain. I spend at least half of a day walking along highways. Well, country roads are certainly more enjoyable, more scenic and quieter, but they deceptively lead south, and a moment later, they turn to the north, or climb nearby hills. If I had chosen them, it would have taken me at least a month to get to Mexico. Perhaps one day I come here just to visit the United States, to wander and linger through all these neglected towns, where in the morning, dogs go straight to the tent and lick your face.

Charles Ervin Keys, a man I met on a road, thought I was a German. I don’t know if I desappointed him, saying that I’m Polish. Only after a while I noticed his violin. I asked him to play something. Waves of the Danube resounded on the street. Charles had a long beard. I wanted to tousle it, but in the end, I only asked whether I can take a picture. Slowly I begin to understand why Ala likes tousling mine. For now it’s still short, it takes time to let it grow. And time, when you travel alone, doesn’t want to accelerate itself – it lingers, wanders, maybe I should tousle it a little, till my beard is still short:)


6 thoughts on “California

  1. Hi Piotr! I met you last Friday outside the grocery store. I was with my two granddaughters and my son. I very much enjoyed meeting you and would love to have had the opportunity to spend more time together. You have a gentle, open spirit, and I was/am grateful to have made your acquaintance. It was very meaningful to make contact with a person from a faraway place and experience the bond of our shared humanity.

    I wish you the very best as your journey unfolds, and look forward to following your progress. May The Force be with you! Best wishes, Karl

  2. Glad to see the berber vest made your kit. Super warm, lite, and compact. Judging by our picture I need some new gear of my own!:-) It’s alright I’m wildly popular in Polska! Enjoy the states my friend.

  3. Hi Piotrek,
    It was so much fun to hang out with you! Where are you now? I told all my school friends about you, and they didn’t know where Argentina was. I told them you’re going till there’s no more land left. I will be checking how far you are on this website. Mom told me you’re going to the desert. I hope you don’t sweat too much. Bye for now , your friend Branko

    • Thank you very much, it was a pleasure to meet you!:) So, one of the good sides of our acquaintance is that now your friends know where Argentina is – where there’s no more land left. I like that description:) I’m ok now, still meeting good people. Have a nice day! Piotr

  4. Hi Piotr!
    It’s great to see your progress and US from your perspective!
    Keep on rolling! Trzymamy kciuki!
    Greetings from Chicago!

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